Visit and contact Ringhals
Here you will find contact details as well as information about study visits at Ringhals nuclear power plant.

You can learn more about the history of electricity at Ringhals Infocenter.
Infocenter's exhibition includes many fun activities. See and try for yourself how to dress properly when working at a nuclear power plant, learn about the process of turning nuclear fission into electricity, and take a peek inside a control room.
Book a study visit
If you would like further information in addition to that provided by the exhibition, we recommend that you book a study visit. Make your booking well in advance, as many people want to visit us. During the study visit, which lasts between two and three hours, you will meet an information officer who will tell you about our operation and answer your questions.
Summer activities
During a few summer weeks every year, we open our visitor's center for everyone. Visit our exhibition, listen to a lecture, take a ride on our electrical train, or sit down for Swedish fika.
How to find us
Ringhals is situated in Halland, 25 km north of Varberg and 60 km south of Gothenburg. Exit the E6/E20 at junction 56 and follow the signs to Ringhals.
Contact us

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Ringhals nuclear power plant produces 20 percent of all electricity used in Sweden.

To work at Ringhals, you need to be skilled, committed and safety aware.

We are continuously working to reduce the environmental impact of our operations.