Access, certificates and forms
Welcome to Forsmark! Before you can come and work at Forsmark, we need a number of different certificates from you. The types of certificate required depend on where you will be working.
To gain entry to Forsmark, you should pre-register well in advance. Your contact person at Forsmark will register you. If we have received your certificates in time, you can sign for your key card at the main entrance on arrival. Don't forget to bring some form of identification.
Outer check point
To avoid queues at the outer checkpoint, we ask you to have your identification and access documents ready. Remember to allow for sufficient time.

More information and contact
Which certificates do I need to send in?
Different certificates are required depending on where in Forsmark you will be working. All certificates can be found below at Certificates and forms. Send all certificates to:
Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB
SE-742 03 Östhammar
Area | Description | Certificate |
Industrial area | Area inside outer fence, plus waterworks, water treatment plant and gas turbine | Protection and safety training Drugs test Security clearance |
Protected area | Operating area where the reactor facilities are located | Protection and safety training Drugs test Security clearance |
Controlled area | Belongs to the guarded area and relates to areas inside the facilities where the radiation level is raised | Protection and safety training Operational training – radiation safety Drugs test Security clearance Medical certificate Dose report |
More information about the training required:
Drug test
Before you are granted access to Forsmark you must take a drug test and receive a negative test result. This applies to all categories of staff including employees, entrepreneurs and hired staff. The drug test must be performed via hair or urine. Suppliers are responsible for their own testing.
The substances tested are amphetamine, cannabinoids, opiates, benzodiazepine and cocaine. Should the drugs test results be positive, two years must pass before you can re-apply for access. If narcotics rated substances are used for medicinal purposes, a medical certificate should be presented when the drug test is carried out. A copy of the test results from the health care facility should be reported for each individual.
The drug test results are valid for 3 years. Ongoing random tests are carried out at the workplace. Submit your test results at least 4 weeks prior to your arrival.
Security clearance
Each contractor performs security checks on its own staff.
- The Security clearance consists of Security Clearance Certificate, with a criminal record check extract from home country and an interview.
- The Security Clearance Certificate shall be maximum 6 months old and is valid 1 year from date of issue.
- For continued access the Security Clearance has to be renewed and sent to Forsmarks Kraftgrupp annually.
- If a person changes company, the above-mentioned documents must be re-submitted
A criminal record check extract from home country is needed for any foreign citizen, unless you have been a permanent resident of Sweden for at least 5 years. In that case, a Swedish records check is enough given that you include an attest from Skatteverket that proves how long you have lived in the country.
Swedish records check
In order to gain access to the facilities, Forsmark will carry out a security check in Swedish criminal records as well as the Security Police suspicion records. This applies to foreign citizens as well.
- Permission to Security Control regarding criminal records
- Statement for Security Screening in accordance with the Security Protection Act
If a Swedish personal number, or D.O.B., has been obtained by the authorities, this has to be filled out in the field "D.O.B. or Swedish personal identity number" under Personal data in the Request for register control document. An identity number might have been created for the individual during earlier visits to Sweden, for instance while being in contact with banks or healthcare.
If you are not sure whether any identity number exist, please contact Skatteverket.
Skatteverket's service phone: +46 (0)8 764 92 00
Handling fitness for work certificate, work involving ionising radiation, issued abroad
Medical certificates from other countries than Sweden must be issued in accordance with the issuing country’s regulations and on its original form; Swedish forms may not be used. Medical certificates issued outside the EU and EEA must be certified by the Radiation Protection Superintendent at Forsmark.
The medical certificate must clearly state that the purpose is work with ionizing radiation. The certificate must be issued in a language familiar at Forsmark nuclear power plant (e.g. English) so it can be verified by the Radiation Protection Superintendent. If there is any uncertainty about the validity of the medical certificate, the Radiation Protection Superintendent can be contacted for assessment.
Medical certificates sent for assessment, needs to be provided to the Radiation Protection Superintendent from the main entrance/reception at Forsmark.
Send the certificates to the main entrance.
Who needs to submit a dose report?
All foreign personnel must present a dose declaration or an excerpt from the national dose register. EU citizens must always present a radiological passport when arriving at Forsmark.
Upon arrival all personnel shall submit this dose report together with the dose declaration or radiological passport.
Certificates and forms
Here is a list of the certificates and forms that are required for working at Forsmark. If you are having problems saving the information in your completed pdf: open the form in Adobe professional or select "Print out as pdf" when printing.
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