About Forsmark
A sixth of all electricity used in Sweden comes from Forsmark, which produces approximately 20-25 TWh annually. Forsmark has three boiling water reactors, each of which produces the same amount of electricity as used by the whole of Stockholm and its neighbouring municipalities each year.

Forsmark's first reactor was commissioned in 1980.
A major industry
Forsmark is the most recently built nuclear power plant in Sweden – the three reactors were all commissioned between 1980 and 1985. The total power output is approximately 3,270 MW with an annual production of about 25 TWh, making us one of the largest producers of electrical power in Sweden.
Forsmark has about 1,200 employees, around 480 contracted workers on one-year-basis and an annual turnover of around SEK 5.7 billion. The company was founded in 1973 by Vattenfall AB and Mellansvensk Kraftgrupp AB. The current owners are Vattenfall (66%) Mellansvensk Kraftgrupp (25.5%) and E.ON Kärnkraft Sverige (8.5%).
Investment for the future
It is more than 40 years since the first kilowatt-hour of electricity was produced at Forsmark. With the modernisation work that is currently under way, we will be able to run our facilities for many years to come.
SEK 13 billion is being invested to meet increased safety and environmental requirements, to prolong the service life of the reactor and to increase the output. In total we will be able to increase the output by 410 MW.
We have many major challenges to confront, such as our safety culture work and the generation shift among our employees. We are investing considerable resources in transferring expertise and experience to the generation that will be taking over the operation and maintenance of Forsmark.

More about Forsmark
Read the Code of conduct for the Board of Directors and more about Forsmark's history.
Our values
We work continuously to ensure that our employees thrive, collaborate and develop in their roles. Please read more about our values and what characterizes our workplace.

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We are continuously working to reduce the environmental impact of our operations.

Forsmark is an exciting workplace and we offer many career opportunities.

Find contact details and information about visits to Forsmark nuclear power plant.