Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions by consultants or contractors coming to work at Forsmark.
What does security clearance involve?
Security clearance comprises two parts:
Part 1: Your employer carries out an interview with the form Security clearance certification as a basis and both sign it. This confirms trustworthiness and reliability. The certification must demonstrate that the person has not:
- Been tested positive for drugs or use of alcohol that resulted in on-duty impairment
- Been subject to a rehabilitation plan for treating substance abuse (except for self-referral)
- Been denied unescorted access or removed from any nuclear power plant in accordance with the fitness for duty policy
- Been removed from activities due to drugs or alcohol use
This clearance is based on satisfactory results of a background investigation which included checks of criminal records covering a minimum of the past five years and checks of other evidence that would threat or reflect adversely upon that individual's trustworthiness and reliability. This includes a criminal record from the home country, not older than six months.
Part 2: Criminal records check – a check against the Swedish Security Service's criminal records register. Before this check, you sign the form Permission to Security.
Does security clearance from another power plant cover me at Forsmark?
Each plant does its own Swedish criminal records checks. If you've had a criminal records check done for another nuclear power plant, the administrative process will be quicker.
The security checks consist of Security clearance certification and criminal record from the home country, not older than six months. The Consent to a criminal records check form and the Application for a criminal records check form should be sent to Forsmark, so Forsmark can submit them to the authority to enable a criminal records check to be carried out on the person concerned and log them in our access systems.
What does the Security checks completion certificate involve?
The security checks are carried out by each contractor and completion of the checks is certified in the form of a Security clearance certification. This clearance is based on satisfactory results of a background investigation which includes checks of criminal records from the home country, not older than six months, covering a minimum of the past five years. It checks of other evidence that would threat or reflect adversely upon that individual's trustworthiness and reliability.
What does a Swedish criminal records check involve?
It is a check against the Swedish Security Service's criminal records register. The check is intended to demonstrate that the person concerned does not have a criminal record. Forsmark cannot perform this check without permission, therefore the individual concerned must give their consent. Forsmark needs the Application for a criminal records check and the Consent to a criminal records check forms to be completed.
How long does a criminal records check take?
We cannot control the time required for a criminal records check and, unfortunately, we cannot track the progress of a criminal records check either. It all depends on how much information Svenska Kraftnät and the Swedish Security Service have to check.
It's important that you only submit documents for individuals who are relevant to the work at Forsmark, in order to reduce the administration time for Svenska Kraftnät (intermediary) and the Swedish Security Service.
Who is responsible for submitting the documents?
The company that's carrying out the work must send the documents to Forsmark.
Where should the documents be sent?
Send forms and documents to:
Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB
742 03 Östhammar
A contractor is not permitted to send documents directly to Svenska Kraftnät or the Swedish Security Service. Moreover, this will delay the checking process for the person concerned.
How long in advance should the documents be sent?
The document should be submitted 6 weeks before the work is due to start at Forsmark.
When should a person have a criminal records check?
Anyone who will be working at Forsmark's plants must have had a criminal records check.
Foreign nationals need
- Criminal record from the home country, not older than six months.
- Criminal records check – a check against the Swedish Security Service's criminal records register.
Who performs the Swedish criminal records check?
It is Forsmark as a plant that performs the criminal records check against the Swedish Security Service. Forsmark logs and then sends the documents to Svenska Kraftnät, which then sends the documents to the Swedish Security Service, which in turn performs checks on Swedish nationals.
Before Forsmark can carry out a criminal records check on an individual, it must have received the Security clearance certificate and the criminal check from home country, the individual's consent and the Swedish Security Service's Application for a criminal records check form.
How do I know when the Swedish criminal records check has been completed?
The contact person who pre-registered you at Forsmark should check this.
If I have been working at Ringhals, do I still have to have a check carried out for Forsmark?
If a person has been checked for working at Ringhals, Forsmark must still carry out a check because it is the plant that carries out the check before a person can be granted access. However, the process will be far quicker because Svenska Kraftnät already has an authorisation/refusal for the person concerned from the Swedish Security Service which can be sent to Forsmark.
I have had a criminal records check carried out for Oskarshamn. Why does this not cover me at Forsmark too?
Each nuclear power plant does its own checks. If you have not been working for a nuclear power plant for 12 months, the check is no longer valid for the plant you have applied for.
I have worked at Ringhals. Does that mean I am ready to work at Forsmark?
Details of medical examinations, health declarations and security & safety training are transferred to Forsmark's access systems.
Drugs tests, security clearance and criminal records checks are not transferred automatically. They must be re-done. However, the criminal records check doesn't take as long as normal because a search is already current from another nuclear power plant.
Which substances are tested for in the drugs test?
The substances tested for are amphetamines, cannabinoids, opiates and cocaine.
How is a drugs test carried out?
A drugs test is carried out at a clinic or doctors' surgery through a urine sample.
How is morphine classified?
Morphine is classed as a narcotic, since it is a type of opiate.
What should I do if I am taking a morphine-based substance?
You should state that you have taken this medication before the sample is taken, and be able to supply a copy of the label on the packaging, which should indicate that it is a prescription drug, when it was prescribed and that it has been prescribed for the person concerned.
When do I have to get re-tested for drugs?
A completed drugs test is valid for three years. After that, a new test must be carried out.
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