PAKT – requirements for mechanical and electrical equipment
The PAKT documents contain technical provisions and specifications for Sweden's nuclear power plants. On this page you will also find requirements for electrical equipment.
Requirements for electrical equipment
Technical notice for the documents: ABM, KBM, TBM and TBV, edition 2 (PDF 182 kB)
Technical regulations for mechanical equipment, edition 8 (PDF 1 MB)
101 Specification for piping (DOC 65 kB)
102 Valve specification (DOCX 46 kB)
103 Control valve specification (DOCX 47 kB)
104 Specification for safety valve (DOC 109 kB)
106 Pump specification (DOC 180 kB)
107 Heat exchanger specification (DOCX 49 kB)
Quality regulations for mechanical equipment, edition 8 (PDF 1 mB)
Qualification scheme for qualification of NDE systems in Sweden, edition 7
Appendix 1 Process Description
SQC Qualification process
Plant-specific supplements may apply, check with your contact.
Requirements for electrical equipment
As a supplier to the nuclear power plants, you can download copies here of documents concerning requirements for the delivery of equipment within the electrical field.
The documents describe technical requirements, requirements on quality assurance and inspections in connection with the delivery of components and equipment within the field of electrical engineering. The documents are part of a common package of documents belonging to the Swedish nuclear power plants.
KBE – Technical Requirements for Electrical Equipment
TBE – Quality and Inspection Requirements for Electrical Equipment
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